Thursday, February 9, 2012

classic wild food at the Jagdhaus Heiligendamm

It is such a treat to be able to walk along the snowy tracks through the forest to a genuine local restaurant. Sometimes it is nice to have a more relaxed alternative to the luxury hotel restaurant. We were not the only hotel guests there - the Jagdhaus Heiligendamm has a definite appeal for great food within a country house atmosphere. Pastel green walls and chairs contrasted against dark wood window frames and tables... and the menu did not disappoint. Markus started with a deer and trout carpaccio with vanilla tomatoes and wasabi sorbet, while I investigated the Rapunzel salad, made with smoked duck breast with pine kernels and potato vinaigrette. A new taste for me - the smoked duck breast was a beautiful pink colour and had a texture very similar to a soft ham. For the main course Markus ate a leg of young deer and I enjoyed a saltimbocca of pheasant. Having personally made veal saltimbocca in Poggialto several weeks ago, I really enjoyed the constant of proscuitto and sage, this time with pheasant breast. I also loved the unique combination of vegies - small cubes of zucchini with pear and garlic. So a wonderful culinary experience with some new tastes, textures and combinations, and then a short walk back to the snowy beach - following the sound of the waves and illuminated by moonlight...

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