Sunday, April 22, 2012

an unusual Paulo Coelho book - The Winner Stands Alone

I needed a book to read on holidays in Noosa - and had to choose it in the airport at Dubai... So when I saw a (comparatively) new book by my old time favourite author, Paulo Coelho, I was tantalised. It sounded different from his previous introspective escapes, where the reader quickly associates with the key protagonist and evaluates their own personal response with that described by Paulo. Sometimes I have found it a bit too esoteric and idealistic, but I have always enjoyed personally engaging with Paulo's characters and plots. This time it was different.The protagonist, Igor is a well developed russian entrepreneur. While it is comparatively easy to understand his ambitious workaholism and feel regret for his failed marriage, it is difficult to understand his plan to turn worlds upside down (by rampant and unprovoked murder) in order to win back his only love. I read voraciously to try and understand his motive and psychological state and was disappointed to conclude that he was just another sociopath. In contrast, I felt a lot closer to his ex wife Ewa, who seems to have pragmatically decided on a divorce, and married an ambitious and successful clothing designer, although I felt she was quite shallow in her attempts to deal with some bizarre text messages from Igor. What was quite clever was how Coelho weaved life stories together as we traced several young things in their quest for a chance at success and ultimate fame. He described the superficiality of the lives of the famous and powerful and I almost felt sorry for the new kids who were still trying to hold onto some personal integrity. But overall I felt disappointed and frustrated at the final scene and really still don't have my usual positive take home message from this book... maybe in time I will find the hidden gem!

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