Sunday, June 16, 2013

Summer in February...just another dream

Sad that a period artistic true story can be so trite. We were transported back to the beautiful and rugged Cornish coastline near Lamorna and indulged with great costumes from pre-war middle class creatives. Florence Carter-Wood (Emily Browning) arrives at the artist colony to escape her wealthy and over-protective father. She plays a waif who engages the attentions of both the sensible and charming soldier Gilbert Evans (Dan Stevens) and his best friend, the impulsive and talented artist AJ Munnings (Dominic Cooper). At first, it seems that she is smart enough to impress her father and develop her own artistic skills. Then suddenly, we see her make her choice, act like a total naive and ignorant victim, and systematically destroy the lives of those around her as she travels down her road of self-indulgent stupidity... I ended up feeling for the estranged husband and am thankful that he enjoyed an illustrious career regardless of her machinations...

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