Sunday, July 21, 2013

Oxage: street theatre in Oxford

I love seeing open air theatre in Oxford during summer. Most summers see the performance of several Shakespeare plays in different College quadrangles. Small audiences with limited props and great actors all combine for some memorable events. This summer, I have started with a walking play, written and performed in the streets at dusk, while everyone goes about their daily business. We met in Turl St, and about 20 of us followed the actors, listening to small scenes in quiet lanes. We enjoyed a flautist and a guitar playing singer to complement the action. We are caught between worlds of good and evil and the protagonist Alex looks for clues to understand her situation. We are all scared by the dark, masked Gators who seem determined to get Alex - and luckily, they cannot see us, the audience, who exist somewhere between both worlds. There is a love tryst and two deep revelations; one that surprises and the other satisfies... so I guess it leaves it open for two more plays! It was great to walk back as a group to the Turf Tavern to have drinks with the cast, their families and a few interested newbies.

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