Saturday, June 14, 2014

Nicole's fall from Grace

Seriously disappointed at Nicole, her director Olivier Dahan and the writer, Arash Amel, in their sloppy and disrespectful portrayal of Grace of Monaco. Anyone can write a historical romance about a Hollywood star falling in love with a European Prince, and create tension about her need to choose between illustrious film roles and her commitment to her husband and children. In fact this is not that big of a storyline anymore! But to use the name of Grace of Monaco and not to reflect accurately history and relationships in the face of her living family is just plain dumb. It is also deceitful to the viewing public. The film parodies Grace's relationship with a weak and synthetic Prince Rainier and expects us to believe that Grace's biggest success is supporting her tax evading Monégasques against the nasty French who were threatening to limit supply of basic utilities unless they paid tax! I really should have listened to the critics, and used my time and money more wisely...

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