Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ai Weiwei complements Blenheim Castle

The more I see of his work, the more impressed I am. Ai Weiwei is an artist with a strong political message and a capacity to engage people across the world. While under house arrest in China, he used digital photographs to create modern installations to both complement and challenge one of England's most stately homes. Over 50 art works are displayed inside the palace and throughout the grounds. It is a little like a game of hide and seek, with a written answer sheet; although at times it helps to ask the guides to offer a more detailed explanation. There is a most stunning chandelier in the entrance hall, which kind of mirrors the large gold christmas tree; then in the bedroom where Winston Churchill was born there is a set of hand cuffs on the bed and a golden wire coat hanger twisted into Winston's profile on the wall. The dining hall has a fully set table in gold and white crockery, complemented by large golden busts of the 12 chinese astrological animals. And in one of the last rooms, there is a large bowl of single pearls; which are just out of reach! Outside he has set up patterns of large blue ceramic ovals in lines on the lawn, and hidden several pieces in the secret garden. It is such a great way to appreciate contemporary art within a living castle...

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