Sunday, February 14, 2016

enjoyed escaping to The Choice

What better choice on Valentine's Day to see a rom-com with my girlfriends! This is my first Nicholas Sparks novel-informed movie. It was a wonderful escape to a gorgeous North Carolina waterfront. We zoom into the lives of beautiful people, who have perfect houses, boats, dogs and children. While the plot is predictable, and the romance is on, off, twisted and back on; the emotional roller coaster is real. The classically handsome Travis Parker (played by Benjamin Walker), is a country vet who works with his father (Tom Wilkinson). Travis lives on his own with his boat and rescue dog, until his parties disrupt his new neighbor Gabby, (Teresa Palmer) a med student, who is currently dating a fellow doctor. She plays the precocious and independent woman, who needs a little help with her pregnant retriever... At the end of the day, it is a wonderful escape to the place you want to live, the friends and lifestyle you want to have...and you want everything to work out in the end as well!

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