Saturday, April 9, 2016

thankfully, I am (NOT) Pilgrim

There was a strong desire in our new bookclub for a thriller, and somehow we ended up reading the 700 page epic by Terry Hayes. It is an impressive debut novel by a former journalist and screenwriter of Mad Max and other movies. So I learnt from the inside cover that Pilgrim is the codename for a man who does not exist and then I spent the first 200 pages uncertain whether the writer or his key protagonist was Pilgrim. Then I realised that after Pilgrim retired in his 30's from high level US intelligence work, he wrote the definitive book about forensic pathology. And the journey of the book was to uncover the person and the motive for the perfect untraceable murder! Pilgrim must come back to solve the crime he unknowingly guided. I was confronted by an underworld of murder and deception that spanned the globe. The level of detail about changing identities was rather shocking. As were the links between a public be-heading in Mecca, a heroic act during the Twin Towers strike and a billionaire's accidental fall from a Turkish coastal mansion. It was difficult to put the book down, despite it requiring high levels of concentration, perhaps I will still retrieve hidden links as I reflect on it further. It will definitely make an interesting set of movies.

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