Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Allied: thrills and dangers of life and love

This is a wonderful escapist World War II romantic thriller, produced by Robert Zemeckis. The film opens in Casablanca, with 2 spies played by Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard. Max, a Canadian wing fighter is introduced to Marianne Beausejour, a French resistance fighter. They are given orders to pretend they are married and there is a dramatic irony in how they behave as if they are in love. Cinematography is excellent, with gorgeous sand dunes contrasted against high class parties. The costumes take us back but in a smart and sassy way. The war is an enduring background, and the common German enemy is ever present. The romantic drama is mirrored against some tricky espionage work, a baby being born in the middle of the London Blitz and then the real twist, where it is difficult to decide who or what to believe. Perhaps it also mirrors some the real life challenges for Brad. Nevertheless, I was mesmerised and ever so thankful to be able to walk out to a normal peacetime life!

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