Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Marc Chagall writes his own My Life

Marc Chagall's early autobiography was written when he was living in Moscow in 1922, when he was 35 years old. This quirky self-illustrated memoir describes his childhood in Witebsk, Belorussia and alternates between his survival in poverty as the eldest of 8 children and his search for artistic inspiration. He managed to live in Paris for 4 years from 1910, and then returned to his hometown as Commissioner of Arts, during and after the Bolshevik revolution. But he left Russia in 1923, never to return, living first in New York and then back in Paris - I would like to read more about his later years, but it seems he did not document them, in the same way...

1 comment:

  1. Liked your blog. Heartiest the greetings of Lithuanian.
