Saturday, September 28, 2013

Someone who'll watch over me...please

3 men in a cell in Lebanon; an American, Englishman and Irishman...reflected as 3 men on a small dark stage in The Theatre at Chipping Norton. This quaint auditorium was transformed into a small theatre in the round, and we really felt like we were in there with them...not the usual fun Saturday night frivolity. I was taken back over 20 years to the media stories of John McCarthy, Brian Keenan and Terry Waite. I had read their books and was deeply engaged in their personal and public struggles. So we were brought back to the shared cell where the hostages were barefoot and chained, but determined to survive, despite personal and nationalistic differences. We saw the personal struggles to maintain sanity and variously compete with and support each other. At times this dramatic dialogue confused insanity and humour. I was so grateful to be able to go home to my own space, on my own...

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