Saturday, May 3, 2014

Banksy makes a man homeless

I was attracted to the tiny Burton Taylor Studio to see this one man play. It was advertised; In 2011, UK graffiti artist Banksy spray painted ‘This Looks A Bit Like An Elephant’ on the side of an old water tank in Los Angeles. The disused tank was home to a man called Tachowa Covington who, in his seven years there, had furnished it with carpets, a stove and even CCTV. The tank instantly became a work of art and was taken away to be sold. By making a statement did Banksy end up making a man homeless? So this play occurs against a backdrop of 2 recent art pieces in Bristol, Banksy's home town. One piece, portrays the image of 3 trench-coated spooks holding bugging equipment around a classic red phone booth, on a side road leading out to the GCHQ headquarters. The other piece, titled Mobile Lovers, was prised off the wall by the neighbouring youth club, to be sold at auction to ensure their future. So Banksy has moved into the realm of wealthy and famous contemporary artists, although it does not seem that is what he set out to achieve by his disruptive and smart street art. So this single act play kind of played out another parody of fame - in writing a somewhat meaningless statement on an empty water tank, Banksy bought unwanted fame to the long term occupier of the water tank. He lost his home, and for what? Although we were attracted to the play for the link to Banksy, we are engaged by the story of the man, whose life was ruined by the artist!!

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