Friday, November 20, 2015

entranced by The Rosie Project

This book was recommended to me and sadly I just missed hearing the author Graeme Simsion talking in one of the free sessions at this year's Brisbane Writer's Festival. However, I was prompted to buy the book and reading it was easy. OK so my first impression was that this was a scientific attempt to identify love. I was prepared to be swept along on Don Tillman's journey, given that he was a professor of genetics. However, it quickly became apparent that while he was very intelligent and he used an evidence-based approach, he was behaving like a person 'on the spectrum'. His obsessive need for control made his low emotional intelligence quotient fairly obvious. However,his insightful honesty was endearing, and I decided to travel with him, for his wife project; using a survey to filter out women who drink, smoke and arrive late! So when Don met Rosie Jarman, who was quickly disqualified, he was somewhat disarmed, and ended up helping her on her personal quest to find her biological father. So that began the challenge as to whether he would or could recognise the friendship as anything more...

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