Friday, November 20, 2015

Lurid (surrealist) Beauty at National Gallery Victoria

I have always been fascinated by surrealist art and the somewhat successful communication of a very intellectual message through the visual senses. Renee Magritte is one of the few artists that have challenged and rewarded me with a deeper insight. So the recent exhibition in Melbourne set out by proclaiming that surrealist artists used techniques such as automatic drawing and collage to liberate the unconscious mind and disrupt current social and political realities. I remember the reaction in northern Europe to the psychological theories of Freud and Jung, and how artists explored ways of communicating with and about the unconscious mind. I enjoyed reminding myself of some of our classic and esteemed painters such as Albert Tucker and Russell Drysdale and the wonderful photographer Max Dupain. But the most surprising insight for me was that I just enjoyed the visual and sensory experiences as I escaped from my own reality for part of an afternoon.

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