Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Ides of March - nothing really changes

Corruption, politics, greed... has the human race evolved any from the scheming and backstabbing culminating in the assassination of Julius Caesar over 2000 years ago?
Perhaps we think we are more civilised now, able to focus on liberal principles, saving the environment and sharing resources ethically... It also helps when George Clooney plays the cool, calm and charming Governor who is competing in the Democratic Primaries. But as the movie unfolds, it becomes obvious that we are all fatally flawed and that inevitably the wheel turns so that principles must be compromised in order to survive. The classic guises of sex, bribery, egos and blackmail all conspire in a surprising but ultimately predictable way to ensure that the 'good' behave badly, yet survive using the same language but now devoid of any real meaning. On one level life goes on but underneath everyone is at it, scheming, plotting, flying, falling ... and we all know that those at the top now have replaced yesterday's leaders, but will just as quickly be replaced by their own ignorance and stupidity...
Quite a dark thriller that is a depressing reality check

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