Thursday, March 21, 2013

appreciating an island escape - The Island by Victoria Hislop

what better place to read a great holiday novel titled The Island, than on my own holiday island! However, while I was able to truly enjoy the daily pleasures, the heroine Alexis Fielding was evaluating a life-changing decision. She sought advice from her mother Sofia, who wrote a letter to an old family friend and passed the responsibility to share her own story of growing up in Crete. When she travels to the small village of Plaka, Alexis is haunted by the deserted island of Spinalonga – home to Greece’s former leper colony. Then she finds Fotini, and finally uncovers her mother's secret: the tale of her great-grandmother Eleni, her daughters and their shared tragedy and passion. Alexis discovers her own connection with Spinalonga...

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