Thursday, March 21, 2013

blissed out in tropical paradise

What a superb combination of picture postcard perfect coconut palm fringed beaches and shady walkways and beaches.The small sandy island of Biyadhoo was circled by an impressive house reef, teeming with so many colours and varieties of fish and patrolled by chameleon-like large octopus. Despite this being my first ever beach bliss out holiday, I was totally absorbed in the underwater world, and enjoyed snorkelling for between 2-3 hours each day for 7 days, without the slightest twinge of boredom. I am so impressed with the colours and designs in nature; purple and green anemone hiding black and white striped Clark's Anemonefish, black and white stripes and black spots on yellow fins looking great together on the large oriental sweetlip, the long white plumes of angelic looking reef bannerfish and the amazing irridescent powder-blue surgeonfish. I really enjoyed the Maldivan curries and tested out the range of cocktails available on the all inclusive offer. I finally decided on a pina colada before lunch, a sunset gin fizz and an after dinner whisky sour... what a way to chill out and enjoy paradise...

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