Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jason does Priscilla in Oxford

The storyline of this australian classic, released in 1994 reads as; Two drag-queens (Anthony/Mitzi and Adam/Felicia) and a transexual (Bernadette) contract to perform a drag show at a resort in Alice Springs. They head west from Sydney aboard their psychedelic bus, Priscilla. En route, they discover that the woman they've contracted with is Anthony's wife. Their bus breaks down, and is repaired by Bob, who travels on with them. well, it is clear that this is a very big understatement. I had wanted to see the musical in London, but sadly missed it because i was too busy doing other things. So when I saw that the production was travelling the country with a stop at the New Theatre in Oxford, it was too good to miss. I invited two friends to enjoy with me - the music, costumes and the twists and turns made it a real sell-out. I enjoyed reliving the stories of 3 friends reconnecting in a true culture clash with aussie tough men in their native environment. The brilliant mix of classic gay anthems had us all clapping along and the costumes were so totally over the top...

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