Monday, May 27, 2013

impressive A Hijacking

This Danish drama opens with the cargo ship MV Rozen heading for harbour. We hear Mikkel the cook talking to his wife and promising to be home soon, for his daughter's birthday. The film alternates between the crew quarters and the boardroom where super suave CEO Peter proves his skills at negotiating million dollar deals with the Japanese. Next minute the Rozen is hijacked by Somali pirates in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The tension is intense as Mikkel and Jan, the engineer are manipulated by Omar the Somali broker, who is emphatic that he is not a pirate. In the board room, Peter is advised by an English consultant that he should also use a broker. At first his ego prevails as he takes on the negotiations, but over time, he shows a steely patience and some deep wisdom, albeit imperfect. Meanwhile, on the ship, the days pass, food runs out and tensions rise as the negotiations are protracted. There was a subtle and very realistic development of the psychological drama as time tests patience and resolve...

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