Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Stunning Cai Guo-Qiang Falls Back to Earth at GOMA

The reviews proclaim it as "one of the most dramatic exhibitions to be held at GOMA" and the photos seemed ethereal, so I was happy that my nieces saw it as an acceptable baby-sitting day out. Of the 4 exhibits, two were totally engaging, stunning and quizzical. The commonality was in 99 lifelike animals - they were so convincing that I had seriously wondered if they were taxidermied, but was relieved to find out eventually, from the local cafe assistant, that it was all manufactured! The centrepiece, Heritage 2013, which has been acquired for the Gallery's Collection, features 99 different animals from around the world, meeting to drink from a blue Moreton Bay island lake surrounded by pristine white sand. We had so much fun identifying and describing the animals - it was truly magical to see giraffes by kangaroos, alongside polar bears and lions! It was fun to finally spot the wombats...and it was confusing that some animals were in parent child dyads while others just seemed on their own or with their peers... We all loved it, beyond words.
We walked out of this room, past a large eucalptus tree on its side, with the root bundle mirroring the branches into the second large room, housing Head On 2006, an installation of 99 artificial wolves leaping in a giant elipse, into a glass wall. It spoke to me of the crazy meaningless challenges we all engage in everyday, for so little real benefit. But I think my nieces enjoyed being close to wild wolves and loved working out how they suspended them in mid air and in the contorted falling positions, which was a real artistic feat. Finally, we all enjoyed being creative in the children's activity room, rumoured to be one of the best in the world!

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