Wednesday, January 29, 2014

superficial and disappointing...Diana, the movie

Having been impressed by our short meeting, I then devoured stories of Diana, after her untimely death. I read so much and continue to remain unconvinced that it was merely an accident. So I was keen to see the recent film by Oliver Hirschbiegel, based on the earlier book by Kate Snell, Diana: Her Last Love. I also have a strange fascination with Naomi Watts, who on relfection played Diana, quite convincingly. But the story is a strange mix of common history and a fanstastical fairytale. OK, I am happy that she did find meaningful love in her relationship with the Pakistani heart surgeon, Hasnat Khan, and I can imagine that he did inspire her to better understand healthcare and work for disadvantaged children. But I am unconvinced of the simple cultural mis alignment portrayed by his family, and am impressed that even the Daily Mail calls the film a betrayal of their relationship! Whatever the truth, it seems that Diana's relationship with Dodi was a total rebound, and perhaps that has been played out by Dodi's father.

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