Saturday, October 8, 2011

A high traverse in the Rosengarten

Another stunning drive through the mountains towards the rose garden - a group of mountains that glow red in the sunset and were the home to dwarf king Laurin, who grew red roses. He kidnapped princess Simhilde and kept her in his rocky castle. When her brothers came to rescue her, he cast a magic spell and his castle and rose garden disappeared but he forgot about twilight!
This time we caught a very comfortable chairlft from the Frommer Alm up to the ski style Rosengarten Hut at 2339 m. We then took route 549, the Hirzlweg across the scree at the base of the mountains and past the imposing southern face of the Rotwand, round the corner to the Rotwand Hut. We sat in the sun eating our breakfast bread rolls and more apples looking up into the mountains, and appreciating the many paragliders enjoying the thermals. We returned along the lower path, via the Baita Masare Hut at 1995m, where we enjoyed a broth with fresh speckknodel. We wandered back through the forest and meadows to the carpark. We were lucky to return in time to enjoy our Veneziano aperitifs at the Castel Latemar and watch the amazing alpengluehen - a phenomenon where the mountains are illuminated by reflected pink sunlight.

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