Thursday, October 27, 2011

superb photographs appreciating animals and nature

There is something about good photography that takes my breath away and forces me to appreciate the beauty, simplicity, reality around me...I remember wanting to be a travel photographer and I also remember realising that I needed to support myself and now I can only be envious and truly appreciative of those who have managed to do this... The Natural History Musuem has an exhibition of 108 brilliant backlit photos in the Environment Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition and Exhibition. Whilst I might query whether a photo should have won or been a runner up across the varied categories, I can only enjoy the amazing talent, patience and perspectives of an international group of photographers. The verbal descriptions and technical summaries of each photo make for interesting reading and the experience cannot fail to be uplifting. This is despite the winning photo portraying my favourite birds, pelicans, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the recent giant oil spill. This photo is profound in meaning at so many levels. In contrast there is a virtual screen print of a brilliantly composed array of poppy flowers taken in the fields, just down the road in Wiltshire. What a great way to appreciate nature, in its many forms.

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