Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the Batliner Collection at the Albertina in Vienna

It is described as ranging from Monet to Picasso and tracing the path of art from Impressionism to Modernism. This private collection of over 500 pieces of art was donated to the Albertina in 2007 and now, over 100 pieces are on display. It was impressive, because at the entrance to the museum, the concrete steps were transformed to look like Monet's water lilies.
It was an interesting mistake that we saw this exhibition backwards - from abstract back towards the figurative art of the Impressionists. We began with cubism and surrealism - there was a whole room of art by Paul Delveaux - an impressively disconnected Belgian painter. In fact, it was an interesting extension of the Magritte exhibition that we had just seen. But I really enjoyed several important groups of artists - my favourite der Blau Reiter group were well represented with examples from Franz Marc (some beautiful orange and golden cows), Wasily Kandinsky, Gabrielle Muenter and their colleagues. I loved seeing old friends of Kirchner, Klee, Kokoschka and it was quite calming to come back to the classic impressionist painters of Bonnard, Cezanne and Monet... a wonderful journey collected by an amazing couple - I appreciate their legacy.

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