Saturday, December 17, 2011

happy 150 birthday Gustav Klimt

An amazing man celebrated in a briliant city - and he is so omnipresent it is challenging to offer something more... So off we went to the palatial Belvedere - and we avoided the crowds queuing to see The Kiss, having already enjoyed that experience several years ago. Instead we wandered through the gardens to the Unteres Belvedere to see an exhibition of Gustav Klimt and Josef Hoffmann - titled the Pioneers of Modernism. This eighteenth century summer residence of Prince Eugene of Savoy houses so much great art work in its baroque interior, while sporting immaculate gardens with water features and fountains - pity they had all been turned off for the winter.
Art, design, architecture - all in perfect balance - complementing and extending beauty and function. It started with a glimpse of what went into the Beethoven Freize, now in the Secession building. We then saw some amazing examples of Klimt's artwork. He is such an accomplished artist who can create designs in tree trunks that make it difficult for you to see the wood for the trees. His women are stunning and elegant. His poster also proclaims that not everyone will enjoy what you create and that you cannot please everyone - what a piece of simple philosophy. But what was unique about this exhibition is the way components of design were transferred both to art and architecture.
The beautiful square, complemented by curves, arches and circles. Concepts of simplicity and usefulness, normally associated with furniture, were also evident in Klimt's art. It was not a surprise to see Hoffman's furniture in some of Klimt's portraits, but their collaboration in designing jewellery was out of this world. Here's wishing a truly talented man a fantastic year long birthday celebration - not sure if I will be back in this wonderful city in this time, but I will certainly enjoy what I can from my memory, and at a distance.

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