Saturday, December 17, 2011

not sure about (the film) New Years Eve

I didn't ever see Garry Marshall's film Valentines Day last year - apparently I did not miss that much. I should have read the reviews this time - but at the same time I don't like to be limited in my expectations. But then again New Year's Eve is probably one of the most over-rated evenings of the year, despite age or culture... so I don't know which bit of my idealistic and naive optimism encouraged me to see this movie... It was a predictable romantic comedy, set in New York (where else) on the afternoon and evening of December 31, 2011 - very contemporary. The extensive cast of A list actors and actresses seemed to enjoy acting in and out of character, portraying a range of normal lives, with their everyday challenges... the formula was a little confusing cutting back and forth between all these terribly normal lives with their real challenges. It was interesting to see Robert de Niro as a dying patient, Halle Berry as his nurse and Jon Bon Jovi as the disillusioned singer. The entertainment was probably better than an average Thursday night's TV viewing but the ending was a predictable as the formula suggests - really sad there there wasn't just one little surprise to encourage some independent thought... o well at least I have a chance to make more of New Years Eve, 2011, if I want to...

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