Saturday, January 7, 2012

cycling along the Mediterranean coast

There are not too many places where you can cycle for over 20 km directly by the water without disruption and on a well maintained relatively flat cycle path. Originally trains ran along the coast of the Italian Riveria giving passengers an uninterrupted sea view. Over the last 10 years they have been busy tunnelling and redirecting this train line slightly further inland. The big bonus for cyclists is that the actual rail tracks have been removed and a two direction cycle path and adjoining walking path created. This track begins at the San Lorenzo station which is now up for sale.
It continues curving around 2 large bays to San Remo. In some places the road is at the same level and at others it is way elevated above us. In fact it is virtually hidden and it is only important if you want to leave the cycle track to clinb up the 3 small capes overlooking the bays.
On our first day we gently climbed up to the church at Poggio, with great views inland to the deserted village of Bussana Vecchio. Later in the week, we slowly climbed up to Cipressa and came back to the cycle path to extend our journey on the road beyond San Remo to climb up the stunning Capo di Nero.
We wound our way between some stunning houses and on top enjoyed views all the way west to France. It was a great cycle back down into San Remo - via the old Russian church to the central Piazza Columba - pity we missed lunch at our favourite Pizza shop - but we made up for it with superb freshly made ice cream. Lucky it was enough to energise us to cycle back to the car into the wind...

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