Wednesday, January 25, 2012

slippery tram tracks in Berlin

we had enjoyed a lovely chinese fondue, which was such a pleasant surprise for me and we were heading out to meet some friends for a friday night drink. I was given the sparkling new road bike with a warning about the tram tracks. It was an amazing experience as with the dual suspension I could barely touch the peddles but off we went - safely across the first set of tram tracks - I felt a small slide on the third and typically it would seem, I panicked and did the wrong thing - I tried to accelerate over the metal but the obvious happened - my front wheel dropped into the gap and jammed itself there - stopping me short and twisting me off onto the hard asphalt. Luckily I protected the bike as it fell but my right knee took the total brunt of the fall. I can only be thankful that there was not a tram in sight as I was totally unable to move and a bit spacy - I knew my knee was not going to be good. It seemed like loads of people ran over from the Yum Cha Heroes Restaurant opposite and most of them were able to talk to me in English! So it was a slow hobble home, a painful indoor weekend and a nervous flight back with my crutches and long leg splint. now 5 days later, I am still hobbling and waiting to resolve the medical dichotomy of possible diagnoses between two different countries...

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