Sunday, January 8, 2012

San Remo Golf

The Golf Club San Remo seems to be one of my favourites for so many reasons. It is difficult to believe that as you are driving there along steep and windy roads clinging to the edge of seemingly steep cliffs that there will be enough flat land to play golf. Well a small correction is required - there is enough land but not so much is actually flat. The first 8 holes climb steadily uphill so that you are playing directly beside the motorway and then it winds down and slightly back up again before you roll back down to the clubhouse- snuggled in the side of the valley. The actual challenges are that every fairway has a safer side but I have watched helplessly as my ball bounced off the steep wall above the fairway, across the fairway and down the steep slopes on the other side towards the fairway below!!!
Nothing is guaranteed so it does make the game quite challenging and it is important to have lots of spare balls. The trees are stunning - everywhere stately eucalypts, some with great sea views - I almost feel a pang of homesickness (wherever home is).
They are complmented by silvery olive trees along every fairway. Several years ago, we were there when they were collecting the olives, and I colleceted a few of my own into my water bottle to preserve. This year most of the olives had been collected, so there were only a few remaining.
And I loved it when I found a golden mimosa - some were in bloom and others not quite yet - what a treat. The climate is a definite advantage - both times we played this year were in full sunshine, 16' and we played in short sleeve shirts - this is helped by the extra activity of walking upwards - but we were able to enjoy long days for the northern hemisphere at this time of the year and enjoy the sun setting over the Mediterranean Sea.
We could play until 5pm and then enjoy the sun setting as we completed the last few holes. And the final bonus is the super traditional club house with perfectly clean and well maintained locker rooms and a stunning sitting room around the bar. That is where all the beautiful and fit people meet!

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