Saturday, January 7, 2012

an italian christmas lunch

We began the day with a quick cycle along the waterfront and we were back in time to host an apperitif for Peter and Katia...we enjoyed a quick catch up of the last few months over a little bubbly and then it was just a wander down the narrow alleys - carruci in italian - to Olgas restaurant, which is really the front room of their house. Today it was almost full; 3 other large tables of between 6-10 people, mostly in families - but we were welcomed like old friends, with a quick chat to all in the large kitchen before taking our places at the smallest table. There were at least 3 antipasti dishes on the table and another 10 to come - it is such a delight tasting and guessing and now I can recognise a few favourites; asparagus wrapped in ham and vegetables in olive oil. Here there is no need for a menu or even an explanation. With a little careful observation, it is always possible to see what is coming out to the table slightly ahead of us... I think the snails were the last antipasti to come out before the 3 primas - or fresh pasta dishes. This time I had paced myself to be able to enjoy the 3 secondi dishes, a great combination of wild boar, rabbit and lamb - no doubt all locally sourced. So we then had a small rest before the cheese board came out, followed by some fresh fruit - later we found out that the mandarins were fresh from the coast at Diano Marina. As usual we were all offered coffee and grappa - I chose my favourite limoncello and remembered to not drink it like cordial.... Domenica came and sat with us at the end and we had an interseting slightly political chat - o to better understand italian - but at least the italians give you so many more cues with their facial and body language - so that with a few words easily recognised, I could get a feel for the conversation... In all a wonderful relaxed and sumptious christmas lunch.

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