Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Mediterranean culture shock

We had driven through rain and snow in Switzerland, there was a short glimpse of blue sky on the southern side of the Gottard tunnel, but most of the drive south through Piemonte in Italy was grey and boringly gloomy... but then we reached the coast just near Genoa - the clouds cleared as if by magic, we saw giant blue skies, deep blue water, and all the trees had leaves on them again - I was ecstatic appreciating the variety of palm trees, my favourite eucalyptus trees and shimmeringly silver olive trees... It is strange how much you can forget in a year - cause I vaguely remember a similar reaction last year...
it continued with an appreciation of the small villages clinging to ridges and cliffs everywhere - always surrounding a small church. I recognised the random arrangment of different coloured houses all together; they were all variations of yellow, terracotta or olive green - mixed together in random sequences but looking stunning in each village.
I noticed that most of the window shutters were a dark green, with some occasional old wooden ones offerring a visual complement. And the range of tiny cars fitting in everywhere was such a pleasant reminder of a very different way of life.Finally, it was great to enjoy an elongated sunny afternoon by the harbour of Imperia at Oneglia, walking out along the harbour wall, looking back over the city.
Then it was up the winding road to the wonderful village of Poggialto.

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