Monday, December 17, 2012

an American history lesson - Lincoln

There is something about America that I don't understand - how did they turn on their own during the civil war, all for the freedom to employ other humans as slaves? and there seems to be some resonance with the recent massacre of school children in Newtown around the ultimate freedom to have as many high powered guns as they like because it is a right, embodied in the second amendment! There seems to be something about freedom to act, as shaped by the ruling class, without consequences, or consideration for anyone else in the population - there seems to be an arrogance that those in political (and economic) power know best, and are best able to determine their own freedoms...
it was a snowy afternoon and I could not get up to the ski slopes easily, so I opted for an educational movie. Directed by Steven Speilberg, and with Daniel Day Lewis playing Abraham Lincoln in a very believable way, I expected to learn something about American history. Well sort of, but I was not convinced that the civil war was about slavery - and if so, why was it so brutal? It seems it was not that simple! Anyway the film was an extended courtroom drama and although it seemed to be a historical story, I remain completely unconvinced. It was more about politics, money and male egos of fat men with very limited world views. I initially believed that Lincoln wanted to free the slaves because of a commitment to racial equality - then I realised that he would only get this amendment through his own republican party who did not embrace racial equality (although many dependend on slaves and some had intimate relationships with them!) by promising an end to the civil war - so he manipulated to extend the war and underhandedly paid for the votes of disenfranchised Democrats. Then it transpired that they did not vote for racial equality and I really was suspicious about Lincoln's moral backbone... perhaps he was just another skilful politician in a nation that is eminently capable of holding opposing views at the same time. And on the other hand, I guess Steven is after a few Oscar nominations as well!

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