Saturday, December 15, 2012

Impressions of student life at USC

It has been an amazing experience, living 'on campus' at the University Park Campus of the very prestigious and very private University of Southern California. My first impressions on looking out from the 9th floor of the Radisson were of the impressive eucalyptus trees.
They were everywhere, almost as prolific as the bright coloured range of fixed wheeled bicycles - the predominant colours were blue, green, pink and purple - and they all had white walled tyres and super wide, U shaped handle bars. So it was great to see so many bikes being used as the main form of transportation, complemented as a close second by skateboards and the occasional pair of rollerblades!
I loved being part of America's young and smart future... this campus is very multicultural, and I saw groups of parents being guided round with their eager sons and daughters ready to start soon...There is a real mix of architecture - I suspect most of the buildings are built to include impressive examples of old architecture. The other big difference is the lack of alcohol - everyone is drinking coffee and water - not a bad introduction to adulthood!

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